
Webinar: Ud af corona med kundetilfredshedsundersøgelser/NPS

Webinar: Ud af corona med kundetilfredshedsundersøgelser/NPS

Qeep har lavet et webinar, der går i dybden med hvordan kundetilfredsundersøgelser/NPS kan styrke kunderelationer og kundeloyalitet. Customer Journey Ekspert Lasse Hansen og Executive Director Gitte Lasnier giver med afsæt

April 27, 2021
We announced Denmark’s most recommended Company

We announced Denmark’s most recommended Company

On November 14th, Denmark’s most recommended company will be announced and we would like to invite you and your company to attend. It will be a great opportunity for you and your company to be inspired and acquire new, valuable knowledge about customer and employee satisfaction. Furthermore, it will be a great opportunity to network in a laid-back environment. 

October 27, 2017
The effects of gamification at one of the worlds largest employers

The effects of gamification at one of the worlds largest employers

ISS, a facility management company and one of the worlds largest employers, launched a gamified mobile application for employees calles Share@ISS. 

October 12, 2017
Goodbye to middle management as we know it

Goodbye to middle management as we know it

Qeep Denmark, Qeep Sales Excellence, Orchard and DataDrivenCulture have been brought together under one common umbrella: People 4.0, with the purpose of combining the newest technological solutions with years of consulting experience to enhance employee satisfaction and engagement.

September 14, 2017
Demystifying the Customer Journey

Demystifying the Customer Journey

Understanding the Customer Journey is essential for companies that want to know and think like their customers.

September 7, 2017
Are you really listening to what your customers are saying?

Are you really listening to what your customers are saying?

In order to reap the true award of Customer Feedback, companies needs to implement an effective and complete system that measures the experience of the customer journey and implement a mindset across the entire organisation that focuses on quickly closing the root problems.

September 6, 2017
Leaders of today need to focus on engagement

Leaders of today need to focus on engagement

Real-time Management” is a new perspective on how companies can engage employees and customers to give critical feedback in real time in order to increase the engagement.

August 24, 2017
Qeep initiates collaboration with Otometrics

Qeep initiates collaboration with Otometrics

In collaboration with Qeep, Otometrics is working on improving the global transparency, predictability and internal collaboration through an identical and focused commercial excellence program.               

June 9, 2017
Konica Minolta chooses Qeep to help improve their sales execution program

Konica Minolta chooses Qeep to help improve their sales execution program

Konica Minolta is collaborating with Qeep in order to improve their Sales Execution Program and their corresponding Operational Strategy to attract the highest number of new customers and ensure the maximal cross and up-selling to existing customers.

April 12, 2017
Qeep initiates collaboration with Hardi

Qeep initiates collaboration with Hardi

Qeep and Hardi is collaborating to increase the Customer Loyalty through a better understanding of the end-user in order to reach the maximum value of sales and marketing activity across the organisation.

December 16, 2016
Qeep is Gazelle 2015

Qeep is Gazelle 2015

Qeep has been awarded Børsens Gazelle prize 2015, for our continuous growth in revenue and gross profit.

October 20, 2015
You have to challenge your surroundings to get results!

You have to challenge your surroundings to get results!

Our experience shows that good relations as well as a certain amount of tension is beneficial to drive execution processes forward quicker!

May 28, 2015
Interview with Rebecca Homkes

Interview with Rebecca Homkes

In this exclusive Qeep Interview with Rebecca Homkes we talk about her article in Harvard Business Review.

February 20, 2015
9 Principals for good execution leadership!

9 Principals for good execution leadership!

It is essential to have the right strategy, but the ability to set ambitious goals and act on these is what separates the ones that succeed from the rest!

December 11, 2014
Where is the focus of your strategy?

Where is the focus of your strategy?

A lot of companies use the same strategy and reach the same goals over and over.  Qeep challenges organisations to think outside the box by setting ambitious goal, parred with a sufficient strategy – what we call executable strategy.

February 17, 2014
Are the ambitions big enough in your organisation?

Are the ambitions big enough in your organisation?

At Qeep, we help organisations set ambitious and ”unrealistic” goals and reach them by activating the entire organisation.

September 15, 2013
Can your organisation create better results?

Can your organisation create better results?

Our experience shows that it’s often in the goal setting process that companies go wrong since too many leaders aren’t setting goals that are ambitious enough, thus merely achieving the same results over and over!

September 5, 2013
If we had more employees, then…..

If we had more employees, then…..

In Qeep, we work to discard the good excuses as to why organisations don’t reach their goals and to break the limitations of the existing paradigms in order to create a result-centred, executable strategy where ambitious goals are put forward and reached.

November 15, 2012
You have saved, now it is time to sell

You have saved, now it is time to sell

The financial crisis has meant that Danish companies have focused on the bottom line and on minimising costs, but now we have to start talking about the top line again.

October 7, 2012

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Qeep A/S – Qeep Copenhagen

Flæsketorvet 68
1711 København V

Phone: +45 24 88 11 20
Email: lasse.hansen@qeep.as

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What result is possible?

Qeep’s consultants give companies the confidence to raise the bar for what is possible to achieve. We challenge leaders to discard their old mindset, to think in new ways and to set goals more ambitious than ever before. We combine our years of leadership and consulting experience with the newest technologies in order to engage everyone in your organisation and get you where you want to go!